Friday, February 28, 2014

The Point Of View From Both Side

Different between Girl and guy is we do not know what other party is thinking and we always misunderstood. We tent to always think we know what is the other party think as well.

He: Today I found out that, the more I talk the more up set and angry she gets. So I learn to keep my mouth shut. 
She: I don't want to hear the truth!!! I just want to hear the correct answer!! Can't he just make me feel happy.

He: Should I choose to go the one that is more important or should I go the one that I have agree to earlier on?
She: Why He keep break promise. Always forget our appointment. So am i wrong now?

So we need to get to know each other better and understand one another more.
Put down your ego and talk about it.
Some times the outcome may come out the way not you expected it.